MAUK Women’s Forum International Women’s Day celebration

We are looking for talented and inspiring performers to join us in making the MAUK Women’s Forum International Women’s Day celebration memorable. If you are interested in performing, please register by 25 February 2025.

Join Us for the Sunday Wellness at M.A.U.K.!

Are you looking for a vibrant and enriching way to spend your Sundays? Look no further! M.A.U.K. invites you to our Sunday Wellness Mission, where we aim to fuel minds and feed appetites.


Exciting Plans for 2025!

After a successful 2024, MAUK looks forward to serving our community even better in 2025 with increased dedication and commitment.


Smash Your Way to Better Health with MAUK Badminton Club!

Are you looking to improve your health and well-being while having fun? Join us every Sunday at Little Ilford School in East London for our new MAUK Badminton Club!

Remembered the life of ‘Kochu Uncle’

Mohammed Ibrahim Talsavala (24/06/1947 – 06/01/2025), affectionately known as ‘Kochu Uncle,’ made a significant impact on London’s culinary scene, especially through his dedication to Kerala’s rich culinary heritage.

Report – Tribute to M T Vasudevan Nair – Jan 5, 2025

A tribute was paid to M. T. Vasudevan Nair, who enriched the Malayalam language with his evergreen creations, at an event organised at Kerala House on January 5, 2025. Excerpts from his various works were read by Siji, Mithun Patel, and Sudha Das. 

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MAUK Wayanad Appeal

Or you can donate directly into our account.
Account Number: 43074200
Sort Code: 60-07-18
Please use your ‘NAME/WAYANAD’ as reference



Our humble efforts have been reported on BBC. We thank all our members, supporters and well-wishers for your continued support.


MAUK Chair Sreejith Sreedharan, Secretary Anilkumar Edavana and Chief Financial Officer Sreekumar Kunjuraman in a frank conversation about the proud history and service-oriented activities of MAUK with S. Sreekumar, Anand TV CEO & Talking Point host

M.A.U.K’s flagship Thursday Lunch Club for Elders was started in 1998. It runs every Thursday from 10 AM to 2 PM at Kerala House
671 Romford Road, London E12 5AD.


For those of us fortunate enough to enjoy the luxuries of the festive season, it is easy to forget the crisis that millions face around the world. It is difficult to really comprehend the sheer magnitude of the problems that those less fortunate than us face- daily. Even during festive times.

Suraksha Pain & Palliative is a registered charity in Koilandy, Kozhikode, Kerala. Medical equipment worth Rs 2.25 Lakhs for Suraksha is one of the sixteen COVID Relief projects MAUK has undertaken in Kerala in the last two months. 

മലയാളത്തിന്റെ അമൃതം നമ്മുടെ കുട്ടികൾക്ക് പകർന്നു കൊടുക്കാൻ വിജയദശമി നാളിൽ മലയാളം ക്ലാസുകൾ പുനരാരംഭിക്കുന്നു

The origin of MAUK can be traced back to Shri V K Krishnamenon’s student days at the London School of Economics in the 1930s. 

Celebrating the vibrant multiculturalism of Newham through the folk and traditional dances and music of its diverse communities.


We are inviting creative materials in English & Malayalam from British Malayalees and non-resident Keralites for MAUK’s annual souvenir Janani 2023, to be published at MAUK Ponnonam 2023 on 17 September @ Redbridge Town Hall, London.

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Dear MAUK supporters

We now have secured sponsorship for all Thursdays in 2024. We greatly appreciate your continued support in helping us provide our services smoothly. 

MAUK has launched a Badminton Club on Sunday, January 7th, 2024. 

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MAUK Thursday Lunch Club, part of MAUK Elders Services, has been functioning since 1998. 

 This club provides an invaluable service to elders in our community, offering a safe space for them to gather, share their experience

It’s an unprecedented situation. But we are better equipped to deal with it than ever before in the history of humankind.

Behind every success at MAUK is a great team of determined, passionate and skilful volunteers. 


MAUK’s main plan of action was to check-in regularly on elders in the community and ensure their safety.

അനുഭവങ്ങൾ സൃഷ്ടിയുടെ ചോദനയാണെങ്കിൽ പ്രവാസികളുടെ ജീവിതം സൃഷ്ടിയുടെ ഈറ്റില്ലമാണ്.

Malayalee Association of the UK (MAUK), the UK’s first and largest service-oriented Malayalee organisation, receives the prestigious Newham Community Champions Award for its commendable and inspiring work since the start of the Pandemic.


Our Sponsors

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