The Platinum Mela

  • Seeking Royal Artists!

    Are you a king or queen of art? Do you or your little princess or prince love drawing, painting, collage or anything in between? MAUK want to hear from young ...

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  • Seeking 70 Sweet Sensational Singers!

    Does your little prince or princess have a marvellous majestic voice? MAUK is offering a glorious opportunity to showcase their tremendous talent! We are looking for 70 budding singers aged ...

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  • The Platinum Mela

    The United Kingdom is celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II, from 02 to 05 June 2022. With the support of the London Borough of Newham ...

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  • Inviting all Dancing Queens

    Thiruvathirakali a unique dance performed in Kerala, India on the auspicious day of Thiruvathira. The sinuous movements executed by the group of dancers around a nilavilakku (traditional Kerala oil lamp) ...

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